"Love cannot possibly be cultivated; it cannot be put together by thought. Thought is always old and love can never be old. All our relationship is based on thought; thought has created images which come between people, and it is these images that have relationships;...
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Cannot Face that thing called Death
"We rather cling to the known than face the unknown, the known being our loneliness, our sorrow, our embittered existence. And as we cannot face that thing called death, we invent all kinds of theories; in the East reincarnation, here resurrection, or whatever it is."
A Sudden Stop
"The present has nothing to do with time. If you are just here in this moment, there is no time. There is immense silence, stillness, no movement; nothing is passing, everything has come to a sudden stop."
Love has no Sorrow
"Love has no sorrow; sorrow and love cannot go together."
Becoming Mature
"We can only learn and advance with contradictions. The faithful inside should meet the doubtful. The doubtful should meet the faithful. Human slowly advances and becomes mature when he accepts his contradictions."
Surrendering is not a Weakness
"Surrendering is not a weakness. At the contrary it is strength. The surrender stops living in boiling water and starts living in a secure place."
Judgment Hurts People
"Judgment is ugly -- it hurts people. On the one hand you go on hurting them, wounding them, and on the other hand you want their love, their respect. It is impossible. Love them, respect them, and perhaps your love and respect may help them to change many of their...
Mind cannot See the Reality
"Mind cannot see the reality; mind can see only its own prejudices. It can see its own projections displayed on the screen of the world."
Love has a Separate Source
"Mind is good when money is concerned, mind is good when war is concerned, mind is good when ambitions are concerned, but mind is absolutely useless when love is concerned. Money, war, desire, ambitions -- you cannot put love in the same category. Love has a separate...
Be Nothing
"When everyone is trying to be something, be nothing. Range with emptiness. Human should be like a pot. As the pot is hold by its emptiness inside, human is hold by the awareness of his nothingness."