OSHO: Being In Love

Jun 4, 2013


What Is Love?
In this thoughtful, provocative work, Osho — one of the most revolutionary thinkers of our time — challenges us to question what we think we know about love and opens us to the possibility of a love that is natural, fulfilling, and free of possessiveness and jealousy.
With his characteristic wit, humor, and understanding, Osho dares us to resist the unhealthy relationship patterns we’ve learned from those around us, and to rediscover the meaning of love for ourselves.”

“By the time you are ready to explore the world of love, you are filled with so much rubbish about love that there is not much hope for you to be able to find the authentic and discard the false.”Osho

“Love should be a reality in your life, not just a poem, not just a dream. It has to be actualized. It is never too late to experience love for the first time.
Learn to love. Very few people know how to love. They all know that love is needed, they all know that without love life is meaningless, but they don’t know how to love.”Osho