"What brings understanding is love. When your heart is full, then you will listen to the teacher, to the beggar, to the laughter of children, to the rainbow, and to the sorrow of man. Under every stone and leaf, that which is eternal exists. But we do not know how to...
To Understand what Self-knowing is
"It is important to understand what this self-knowing is, just to be aware, without any choice, of the 'me' which has its source in a bundle of memories - just to be conscious of it without interpretation, merely to observe the movement of the mind."
You cannot Meditate if you are Ambitious
"You cannot meditate if you are ambitious - you may play with the idea of meditation. If your mind is authority-ridden, bound by tradition, accepting, following, you will never know what it is to meditate on this extraordinary beauty."
Hear the pattern of the Drops
"It is raining and you can hear the pattern of the drops. You can hear it with your ears, or you can hear it out of that deep silence. If you hear it with complete silence of the mind, then the beauty of it is such that cannot be put into words or onto canvas, because...
The Crisis is in the Mind Itself
"The crisis is in the mind itself, in your mind, in your consciousness. And, unless you respond to that crisis, to that challenge, you will add, consciously or unconsciously, to the confusion, the misery and to this immensity of sorrow."
Co-Operation is Only Possible When There is no ‘Authority’
"Co-operation is only possible when there is no 'authority'. You know, that is one of the most dangerous things in the world 'authority'. One assumes 'authority' in the name of an ideology, or in the name of God, or Truth, and an individual, or group of people, who...
To find God you must Know how to Love
"To find God you must know how to love, not God, but the human beings around you, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Then, when you know how to love them, you will really know what it is to love God. Without loving another, without knowing what it means to be...
Meditation is the Ending of Sorrow
"Meditation is the ending of sorrow, the ending of thought which breeds fear and sorrow the fear and sorrow in daily life."
"Society is the product of relationship, of yours and mine together. If we change in our relationship, society changes."
Meditation is the Way of Life
"Meditation is the way of life, it is not an escape from life."