
You cannot Meditate if you are Ambitious

You cannot Meditate if you are Ambitious

"You cannot meditate if you are ambitious - you may play with the idea of meditation. If your mind is authority-ridden, bound by tradition, accepting, following, you will never know what it is to meditate on this extraordinary beauty."

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Love has a Separate Source

Love has a Separate Source

"Mind is good when money is concerned, mind is good when war is concerned, mind is good when ambitions are concerned, but mind is absolutely useless when love is concerned. Money, war, desire, ambitions -- you cannot put love in the same category. Love has a separate...

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Look Deep into your Heart

Look Deep into your Heart

"Look deep into your heart. Listen to the still small voice within. And remember one thing: life is fulfilled only through longings, never through ambitions. Life becomes blissful only through the heart, never through the mind. Mind creates science, the heart creates...

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