"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
Today I am Fortunate to be Alive
"Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings....
Finding Inner Space
"Here is anther way of finding inner space: Become conscious of being conscious. Say or think 'I Am' and add nothing to it. Be aware of the stillness that follows the I Am. Sense your presence, the naked, unveiled, unclothed beingness. It is untouched by young or old,...
What is the use of making Friends and Enemies?
"Having departed from this life And from all my friends and relatives, If all alone I must go elsewhere What is the use of making friends and enemies?"
Space is being Created
"Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge."
"You have to live with the people in hypocrisy for them to stay happy with you."
To Offer no Resistance to Life
"To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness. This state is then no longer dependent upon things being in a certain way, good or bad. It seems almost paradoxical, yet when your inner dependency on form is gone, the general...
Whoever Lives as he Sees Fit
"Whoever lives as he sees fit will not die as he sees fit."
Start Seeing the Beauty of Life
"Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing. You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one. It is your choice."
A Sense of the Miraculous
"When you don't cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life."