
The two primal Spirits

The two primal Spirits

"Now the two primal Spirits, who reveal themselves in vision as Twins, are the Better and the Bad, in thought and word and action. Between these two the wise ones chose aright; the foolish not so."

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To Live in Abundance

To Live in Abundance

"On the one hand people will respect poverty, and on the other hand they will say, 'Serve the poor.' Strange! If poverty is so spiritual then the most spiritual thing will be to make every rich man, poor. Help the rich man to be poor, so he can become spiritual. Why...

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I am This Body

I am This Body

"I am not a Hindu, Nor a Muslim am I! I am this body, a play Of five elements; a drama Of the spirit dancing With joy and sorrow."

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Tantra is Spiritual Sexology

Tantra is Spiritual Sexology

"Tantra is basically spiritual sexology ... because man's mind is perverted throughout the world by religions teaching repression of sex. Tantra is the only science which teaches you expression of sex -- not as indulgence, but as a spiritual discipline. This is a...

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