
You are not here accidentally

You are not here accidentally

"Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny. He has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally -- you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do...

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Work with Love

Work with Love

"If you work without love, you are working like a slave. When you work with love, you work like an emperor. Your work is your joy, your work is your dance."

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May I be Protector

May I be Protector

"May I be protector for those without one, A guide for all travellers on the way; May I be a bridge, a boat and a ship For all who wish to cross (the water)."

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This is what Enlightenment is all about

This is what Enlightenment is all about

"This is what enlightenment is all about - a deep understanding that there is no problem. Then, with no problem to solve, what will you do? Immediately you start living. You will eat, you will sleep, you will love, you will work, you will have a chit-chat, you will...

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