Work with Love

“If you work without love, you are working like a slave. When you work with love, you work like an emperor. Your work is your joy, your work is your dance.”
“If you work without love, you are working like a slave. When you work with love, you work like an emperor. Your work is your joy, your work is your dance.”
“To find God you must know how to love, not God, but the human beings around you, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Then, when you know how to love them, you will really know what it is to love God. Without loving another, without knowing what it means to be completely in communion with one another, you cannot be in communion with truth.”
“Tantra is basically spiritual sexology … because man’s mind is perverted throughout the world by religions teaching repression of sex. Tantra is the only science which teaches you expression of sex — not as indulgence, but as a spiritual discipline. This is a transformation of a biological phenomenon into spirituality.”
“People are machines. Machines have to be blind and unconscious, they cannot be otherwise, and all their actions have to correspond to their nature. Everything happens. No one does anything. ‘Progress’ and ‘civilization,’ in the real meaning of these words, can appear only as the result of conscious efforts. They cannot appear as the result of unconscious mechanical actions. And what conscious effort can there be in machines? And if one machine is unconscious, then a hundred machines are unconscious, and so are a thousand machines, or a hundred thousand, or a million. And the unconscious activity of a million machines must necessarily result in destruction and extermination. It is precisely in unconscious involuntary manifestations that all evil lies. You do not yet understand and cannot imagine all the results of this evil. But the time will come when you will understand.”
“The ultimate source of a happy life is warm-heartedness. This means extending to others the kind of concern we have for ourselves. On a simple level we find that if we have a compassionate heart we naturally have more friends. And scientists today are discovering that while anger and hatred eat into our immune system, warm-heartedness and compassion are good for our health.”