"I went looking for Him And lost myself; The drop merged with the Sea Who can find it now? Looking and looking for Him I lost myself; The Sea merged with the drop Who can find it now?"
Time is the Greater Obstacle
"Time is what keeps the light from reaching us. There is no greater obstacle to God than time."
Today I am Fortunate to be Alive
"Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings....
This is what Enlightenment is all about
"This is what enlightenment is all about - a deep understanding that there is no problem. Then, with no problem to solve, what will you do? Immediately you start living. You will eat, you will sleep, you will love, you will work, you will have a chit-chat, you will...
I Bow Down
"I bow down to the body of him In whom the sacred precious mind is born. I seek refuge in that source of joy Who brings to happiness even those who harm him."
To Give Up Yourself
"To give up yourself without regret is the greatest charity."
See Your Nature
"To find a Buddha all you have to do is see your nature."
The Buddha is Your Real Body
"The Buddha is your real body, your original mind."
Without a Teacher’s Help
"Only one person in a million becomes enlightened without a teacher's help."
"Not creating delusions is enlightenment."